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- Messages : 1513
- Enregistré le : dim. 7 mars 2010, 14:50
Message non lu
par GM » dim. 7 août 2022, 20:01
Version 2.81 du 14/05/2022 :
- Schur decompositions were implemented. A bug in uniform() was fixed.
- The Xasy bounding box and a crash when opening Xasy files were fixed.
- The transparency offset buffer is zeroed when GPU compression is unavailable.
- The surface constructor for solids of revolution was documented.
- Support for pkg-config was added.
- Opaque rendering on platforms lacking GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock was fixed.
Version 2.82 du 07/08/2022 :
- Support for Ghostscript 9.56 was added.
- Ambiguous functions are listed.
- The dvisvgmMultipleFiles option is now enabled by default.
- A bug in generating PDF labels was fixed.
- The mean color of multicoloured patches is output only for PRC code.
- Subdivision crack adjustments were disabled for transparent patches.
- The OpenGL transparency shader was further accelerated.
- WebGL bounding boxes are now computed by the client upon loading.
- Version 1.02 of the AsyGL library was released.
Index des fonctions - Exemple de lien donnant le résultat d'une recherche sur les mots 'arc' et 'triple' :
http://asy.marris.fr/indexasy/?filtre=arc triple
Mes configurations (le 24/02/21) :
PC n°1 :
Windows 10 - Asymptote(2.82)+MikTeX2.9 - Editeurs : Notepad++, TeXworks, Visual Studio Code.
PC n°2 :
Ubuntu 20.04LTS - Asymptote(2.67-?? git) + TexLive2020
Mon serveur :
Debian Stretch- Asymptote(2.68-16 git) + TexLive2018
Merci de préciser la votre !